Monday, 19 September 2011

Transplanting Coffee Plants

Still raining here today. We do have some transplanting to do if the weather will cooperate tomorrow. There are some coffee plants in our backyard that are ready to be transplanted in the new garden. They are about 18 inches tall already. These will serve as a buffer against the strong winds that comes from the south side of the new garden. Half of the retaining wall on the south side collapsed while the other half is still intact. We will put these coffee plants 3 feet away from the top of the retaining wall that did not collapse. By putting the coffee plants at a distance of 3 feet away from the edge of the stone retaining wall, this will give us some space to work if there should be any repairs to be done without falling off the high wall. 

On the other half of this south wall that collapsed, my plan is to split this into two levels instead of putting it back to its original height which is at the same level as the other half that did not collapse. My plan is to use some bamboo plants at the lower level because these will grow tall and the root system of the bamboo will help to control soil erosion. Once the bamboo plants grow tall, it will also help to buffer the wind coming from this south side so it will help to protect the plants. On the second level, I think I will just put an interlink fence so we do not fall down to the first level and this fence can also serve as a trellis for some vegetables at the same time. Well, these are my plans anyway until I can come up with something better to improve the condition of the south wall.

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